Hall Project News Archive

news more than 12 months old

the latest news is here

April 2009
Following the well-attended AGM of the PDA , there are some changes to the list of Directors, which you can see here.

17 February 2009
The grant of £5000 for emergency repairs from Argyll & Bute Council will be used for urgent repairs to the original school building.
This will likely take the form of replacement windows and making repairs to the roof.

Negotiations are underway with the Council about dealing with the asbestos found to be present in the new parts of the building,
despite assurances to the contrary when purchased.

In view of the prevailing financial conditions the Community Centre Project has been placed on hold.
Piecemeal refurbishment of the building seems a more realistic possibility, pending the outcome of the negotiations with the Council.

21 November 2008
At a recent meeting of the Council Area Committee, members agreed to grant our request for the sum of £5,000 towards urgently needed repairs to the Hall.
The directors of the PDA would like to express their thanks to the Council for this support of our community.